Right around this time last year as I totally, 110% relaxed on my sister's couch, watching a series (of course I can't remember what series it was now), while gingerly enjoying this irresistible holiday treat, each and every bite-sized moment of it, I casually thought about bringing to life its frozen counterpart. But, it was just a fleeting thought as the holiday flavour was already set, and on tight precision scheduled to go. Deviating from the plan or even the slightest addition to it would have created immense chaos and one thing I try to avoid these days is any FOMO when it comes to our holidays and chilled downtime. Valentines soon came around, and then Easter, and the thought lingered a tad longer than the last, but I wasn't 'there' yet...
As I peacefully settled into summer with feeling a needed calm, lift, and breath of fresh air, I felt ready to do the quiet research to create this desired frozen flavour which required more gentle attention and intricate balance. Good timing as it were, I am so happy to officially debut this month's holiday kickoff flavour: Gianduja (Chocolate Hazelnut)...
... with an emphasis on our hazelnuts.
Gianduja, a loved sweet chocolate spread made with varying amounts of hazelnut paste was my first stop. It's been a full-on process and I thankfully owe this delightfully smooth and nutty infusion to David Lebovitz and his amazing guide book: The Perfect Scoop, which has been my go-to text with learning simple, down to earth, ice cream making basics: from balancing my milks, and other fats, solids and blended adds, to developing the confidence and drive to branch out with my own signature blend of fresh and wholesome ingredients the entire family (especially our kids) can enjoy. With all the dreamy holiday-feels in a scoop, another scoop is never too much, or too soon... Music and a few behind-the-scenes captures (below) of how all the baby steps began. Happy weekend everybody! ~xx
I've always loved the name 'Stella', with the uplifting light it conjures in the mind; from ♫ this favourite...
Toasting the hazelnuts and making hazelnut-steeped milk.
The blended cream mixture, strained twice: cream, milk, hazelnuts, sugar, egg yolks, milk chocolate, sea salt, and vanilla extract,... awaiting a warm swirl of melted dark chocolate.
Chilled cream blend ready for churning.
Churning away.
A very luxurious day indeed. :)