As usual, September is always a busy/ busier beginning of sorts with our new school year ahead. Welcome! to settling in and creating the routine that works for You and your family. Wishing us all a year of continued respectful and loving engagement, inner peace, and inner freedom to enjoy our many moments and creative endeavours in the classroom and/ or virtually, from home. Recent reads (do read something every day: be it pages of a novel, magazine article, research report, poetry or how-to instructions or a recipe etc...), —and finds from around our web...
... The final portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, (April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022).
... "There are risks involved, but the payoffs are huge."
... Can you Spot the difference?
... How we can encourage our children's joys.
... A loving mom and one desperate hour! So well done.
... Every summer I top up on something 'household'; these were it for this year.
(My homemade Chicken Comfort Soup; all I've been wanting after a maximum summer of dairy and sugar; #yum!)
... Waterlily harvesting and a series on Red Waterlily Season. How beautiful! :)
... " ... it's a reminder that you're alive."
... Fun Math Puzzles for morning warm-up.
... 8 Science-backed ways to boost our immune system.
... A bowl of hot homemade chicken soup is everything. Yes!
... And, minimizing the stress of these early back-to-school months.