"Buildings are Allen's business." And this recent 60 Minutes episode (S.56 E.07) watch is both informative and future-forward savvy with paying serious attention to our indoor air systems: in our classrooms, shared office/ group spaces and also at home. With yet another COVID strain and flu season now upon us, we're thinking helpful tips/ reminders to safely enjoy our months ahead as we navigate our way; ideal temps 18 – 21 °C (64 – 70 °F), as best we can...
1. Masking in our classrooms, shared office/ group spaces, and people-traffic outdoors. Yes!
2. Keeping a side window(s) and/ or door open OR ajar to allow fresh outdoor air inwards, reducing indoor air pollutants.
3. Using fans to create a crosswind which will exhaust indoor air to the outdoors.
4. Checking on, cleaning and/ or changing indoor air filters every two weeks, —or as needed.
5. Having low-maintenance indoor plants for the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange, removing toxins.