🍉 + 🍏 + 🍏 = 28
🍉 + 🍉 + 🍉 = 36
🍏 - 🍅 = 3
🍅 = ? 🍏 = ? 🍉 = ?

What are the tomato, apple, and watermelon equal to? Select the correct fruit serving.
Easy for You to say my Grade 3s (Times Table Wizards!). :) Right around this time of our school year, after pushing, merging, and delivering our Grade Level Mathematical Strands, it's always fun and rewarding to be able to kick back, easing the pressure, with a variety of cognitive games while stepping boldly into our next grade level curriculum —earlier than they expected. » Our kids love this! Brainable is an exhilarating play of memory skills, spatial sense, logic, and spiraled critical thinking. Answer after the jump...